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BAL: Pride and Disappointment is a collaboration between Simone Mousset, our associate artist, and Lewys Holt (UK). It is inspired by the impact of Simone’s work BAL (2017), which produced, first, great national pride and then, when the truth was revealed, great national disappointment. The new work, which is a semi-autobiographical semi-documentary, playfully and darkly addresses these feelings of pride and disappointment in relation to an imaginary nation state, influenced by the climate of nationalist populism and the generally worrying geopolitical evolutions of late, wherein economic protectionism and conservatism are on the rise. The theatre is transformed into a new country, where there are no storms and where there are all the cows and horses we need! Simone and Lewys would like to share the beginnings of this exciting new work (in progress) with you.
Free entrance by reservation
Join our associate artist Simone Mousset throughout the season in creative workshops and public rehearsals for the final creation of the project BAL. More information:
Yoann Bourgeois présente l’étendue de ses facultés dans d’époustouflants numéros issus de la grande tradition de voltige aérienne où la grâce côtoie l’éternel, mais pas que.
Impulsée par une musique frémissante, la danse virevoltante des chorégraphes Ben Aïm est emplie d'un humour à la Chaplin audacieux et salutaire. Place au burlesque !
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